Liquid Cargo

Liquid Cargo

Ullage Survey

survey of tanks prior to loading or discharging (onshore tanks, ship tanks), survey of quantity and quality during loading/transshipment/discharging, assessment of losses and incompliance after loading and/or prior to unloading, issue of petitions/claims to cargo senders/sellers/insurers in arbitration proceedings etc, provision of information about survey process (quantity, quality report/telex).
On-spot inspection activities, namely, measurements, temperature measuring, sampling, sealing, discharge coordination with loading foreman, ships master and other involved parties

Bunker Survey

is an inspection of fuel quality performed by measuring empty spaces or innage level of ship tanks aimed to determine the total quantity of bunker on board at the moment of inspection. Subsequently, using fuel quantity consumed after entry into charter or exit from charter, we calculate amount of fuel on board at entry into charter or exit from charter. Such survey may be a part of ON/OFF HIRE SURVEY (survey of technical condition of ship at the moment of entry or exit from time charter). Upon completion we issue BUNKER SURVEY REPORT and CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY/REDELIVERY. Alternatively, we perform a top-grade inspection of loaded or discharged petrochemicals.

Liquid Cargo Damage Survey

long-term experienced surveyors of Kaba Osean Survey can determine the reasons of cargo contamination, leakage and loss of cargo. The report will include full detailed description of investigation fulfilled and laboratory analysis if required.

Supervision of Loading / Discharging

Includes 24/7 control after cargo operations and registration of all operations during works with cargo (loading, delays etc.), accompanied with relevant reports (daily and final).